12th Annual Watershed Wide Event: Details & Registration

12th Annual Watershed Wide Event
9am-12pm, Saturday March 13, 2021
Tryon Creek provides critical cool-water refuge for salmonids, and healthy habitat for a variety of other native wildlife and plant species. Join us in supporting this unique urban watershed by volunteering with us to remove invasive plant species and plant native plants.
Usually we’d gather all together in one central location before dispersing to dozens-strong work parties for this annual event. This year will look different with COVID-19 precautions as we’ll be working in smaller groups which meet directly at the work site. With limited space for volunteers we also have a weeklong volunteer-from-home option (see more below). The event is still expected to be TCWC’s largest annual volunteer restoration opportunity for watershed stewards like you!
To be extra-safe, we request you consider registering with your household. If you are a part of multiple household pods with neighbors, friends, or family, please consider signing up together.
Work party sites (more details will be sent out upon registration confirmation):
- Tryon Creek State Natural Area
- Marshall Park
- Jackson Middle School
- A few more sites may be added in coming weeks as we coordinate with neighbors, but we recommend signing up now, as there’s a fair chance we’ll reach capacity for volunteer slots (see waitlist options in registration form)
Volunteer notes:
- As usual, dress in layers for the weather (gloves, hats, close-toed shoes, etc.) and bring your own, full water bottle and snacks.
- Sites may reach capacity quickly this year. Thank you in advance for your flexibility and understanding!
- We will email you a waiver that can be returned electronically in advance; some sites may require additional in-person waivers to be signed.
COVID-19 information:
- Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own face coverings, gloves, hand sanitizer, water and snacks. Tools, gloves, and face coverings will be provided as needed, but please bring your own if you are able (tools will depend per site – we’ll email you details).
- Groups will be capped at 10-15 people per site; volunteers will be required to wear face coverings throughout the event and keep 6 feet physical distance.
- Two days before Watershed Wide Event, we’ll email you with a health check prompt and details for your site.
Deep thanks to the Bureau of Environmental Services for funding our Watershed Wide Event, and to our many partners without whom this event couldn’t happen (just look at all those logos on the flyer!)!
Thanks to Lake Oswego High School and Lewis & Clark College students, who will be volunteering on-campus as part of Watershed Wide, too! These sites aren’t open to the general public but are absolutely part of this big event, and are supported by Oswego Lake Watershed Council and West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District.
Weeklong Watershed Wide from home!
Fri 3/5 – Sat 3/13
If you don’t feel comfortable or able to join our in-person work parties, but have some stewardship work you’d like to get done in your yard or neighborhood shared space… that counts! We’d like to empower you to “volunteer from home” sometime during the week leading to Watershed Wide (Fri 3/5 – Sat 3/13): identify a project area and coordinate with family or neighbors as needed, then:
Just take before & after photos of your work area, track what gets done by who, and send in the info! If you do so, we’ll send you a coupon for a 10% discount at Bosky Dell Natives Nursery.
With your permission, we will share your photos on our social media and website in thanks and celebration! Is this the perfect impetus for tackling that backyard ivy and getting some native plants in the ground? We hope so!
Watershed Wide Event from home reporting (fill in blanks, email alexis@tryoncreek.org to submit by 4pm on 3/13):
On (date), (#) adults & (#) youth spent (#) hours volunteering from home for TCWC’s 12th Annual Watershed Wide Event!
We cleared (#) sq ft of invasive species; air-gapped (#) trees of vines.
Our favorite part of this was (cool wildlife sightings, successes and fun moments!).
Please (do/do not) share our photos on TCWC social media.
We (would/would not) like a 10% off coupon to Bosky Dell Natives Plant Nursery.
To help you prepare for your project, here are some helpful how-to resources:
- English & Irish ivy removal
- Tree ivy removal video
- Armenian/Himalayan Blackberry removal
- Common weed ID
You can absolutely volunteer both at-home leading up to the Watershed Wide Event, and in-person day-of. Please email us (alexis@tryoncreek.org) if you’re interested in volunteering-from-home but would like some support, such as in… Planning what type of work to do or how to do it; Guidance on-the-ground day-of; Inviting waitlisted volunteers to join you day-of.

Watershed Wide Event partners:
Bureau of Environmental Services (funder + partner!)
Bosky Dell Natives Nursery
Boonesferry Terrace HOA
Friends of Tryon Creek
Friends of Marshall & Maricara Parks
Lewis & Clark College
Oregon State Parks
Oswego Lake Watershed Council
Portland Parks & Registration
Westside Watershed Resource Center
West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District