Our Team


Alexis Barton Castro, Coordinator
Cell: 530 (not 503) 902-7528

In managing Tryon Creek Watershed Council’s programs, Alexis enjoys wearing multiple hats on any given day, whether they be in coordinating restoration projects, implementing workshops, planning volunteer events, or facilitating coordination and collaboration across organizations.

Alexis’ first contact with Tryon Creek was within the Natural Area as a Camp Instructor with Friends of Tryon Creek for several summers. After finishing her B.S. in Environmental Studies, Alexis served for two years as a Confluence AmeriCorps member at Johnson Creek Watershed Council, where she gained experience in riparian restoration and volunteer management, including managing their Community Science program, leading environmental education, and the development of equity-driven planning processes. Alexis represents Willamette Basin Watershed Councils as a Region 3 Director on the Network of Oregon Watershed Councils.

Alexis seeks to consider and incorporate equity and justice lenses into all the work she is a part of.
She’s engaged with the Johnson Creek WC Community Inclusion Committee, City of Milwaukie Tree Board, and more. Alexis spends time away from her desk with her husband and their dog and cats, experimenting both in the kitchen and on various crafts, and tending to their growing backyard habitat.

Program Coordinator Alexis Barton, smiling in front of a northwest forest background.


Megan Hill, President

Megan Hill has a bachelor’s degree in Cultural Anthropology and a master’s degree in Natural Resources Policy and Law. She has worked for the Upper Basin Mississippi River Basin Association and was the Executive Director of the Mckenzie Watershed Council. More recently, Megan has volunteered for the Rivanna Conservation Alliance and Oregon Lakes Association. Throughout her career, she has worked collaboratively with private and public landowners on a variety of restoration, monitoring, and education projects and, when she is not continuing her lifelong love of river restoration, Megan enjoys gardening and exploring Oregon’s wilderness. Most importantly, Megan loves life with her husband, three children and two dogs.

Megan Hill

Rebecca Crosby, Vice President

Rebecca Crosby has a bachelor’s degree in political science and a master’s degree in public administration. She lives in the Tryon Creek watershed and is dedicated to improving the watershed through habitat assessment, habitat restoration projects, and volunteering. She has worked with members of the watershed council and West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District to remove invasive plant species and to plant native plants to support animal and plant species in our region. She is also an active member of the Friends of Tryon Creek board. Over the past four decades Rebecca has developed a deep appreciation for the Tryon Creek watershed and Tryon Creek State Park.

Rebecca Crosby

Danielle Goodrich, Secretary

Danielle Goodrich has a master’s degree in Environmental Science and Management from PSU. Her program gave her the opportunity to compose the Tryon Creek Watershed Assessment, which originally introduced her to the council in 2017. Danielle developed a connection to science and nature in high school and now applies that to her work in a local municipality Water Quality Department. She also enjoys camping, hiking, crafting, and discussing books with her book club. 

Kristie Focht, Treasurer

Sharon Keast, Technology Director

Sharon Keast joined the Tryon Creek Watershed Council board in 2013 to assist the council in becoming a mission-driven nonprofit by developing bylaws, obtaining 501(c)(3) status and creating a Strategic Plan. She holds degrees in Business Management Information Systems and Science. Sharon advocates using technology for good and has secured and manages technology donations including Google’s G Suite and Microsoft’s Office 365 and Azure cloud services to empower the council in carrying out its mission.

Sharon Keast with mountains in the far-off background.

Sylvia Barclay, Director, Lewis & Clark College Student Representative

I’m one of Lewis & Clark’s student representatives to the Tryon Creek Watershed Council. I’m originally from Illinois and I’m majoring in Biology and minoring in Environmental Studies with the hopes to work in Conservation Biology in the future. I lead SEED (Students Engaged in Eco-Defense) on campus where I’ve learned a lot about beekeeping and sustainable solutions to issues on campus. I’ve enjoyed working with TCWC in the past, and I’m excited to learn more about the watershed and get more LC students involved in the work that TCWC does. 

Qwynci Bowman, Director

Qwynci Bowman served as Lewis & Clark College’s student representative for Tryon Creek Watershed Council. Qwynci is originally from Austin, Texas; while living in Austin she did a lot of different things in the environmental field: she worked as a state water monitor for the City, worked on a sustainable farm for two years, and developed a community garden at her high school. Water conservation and sustainability are two areas that she holds dear to her heart and hopes to bring into the council. In this role, Qwynci wants to bridge the gap between the watershed council and Lewis and Clark students, staff, and faculty to bring in volunteers and increase awareness of the watershed. 

Dusty Day, Director

Dusty Day has a bachelor’s degree in biology, a master’s degree in environmental management, and has worked in the environmental field for over 15 years. He resides within the Tryon Creek watershed and enjoys the opportunity to improve our watershed through restoration efforts. When not working, you can typically find Dusty pulling ivy, planting natives, gardening at home, or exploring the wonderful parks and open space of the Tryon Creek watershed with his family.

Dusty Day standing near a stream wearing an orange work vest and waders.

Jill Gaddis, Director

Jennifer Jones, Director

Jennifer Jones is an ecologist and environmental scientist working professionally on a variety of habitat assessment and restoration projects. Jennifer has a bachelor’s degree in biology and a master’s degree in environmental science. She lives with her partner, 2 dogs and a cat near the headwaters of Tryon Creek. She is continually working on restoring native habitat in her backyard and also enjoys birding, hiking, kayaking, and most anything out in nature.

Jennifer Jones, smiling, wearing sunglasses and a large brim hat, holding a large camera on tripod

Glen Leverich, Director

Glen Leverich is a fluvial geomorphologist and watershed ecologist with over 15 years of working professionally on numerous riverine studies and restoration efforts throughout the western U.S. Glen studied environmental science and geology at University of Oregon and Portland State University before earning his master’s degree in geology from San Francisco State University and receiving geology licenses from Oregon, Washington, and California. Glen is a returning Oregon resident and has recently settled within Tryon Creek watershed. Glen and his family are outdoor enthusiasts who are often found hiking in the state park and paddling the local rivers.

Glen Leverich standing beside a stream, in front of a large rock.

Nhan Han, Director, Lewis & Clark College Student Representative

I’m one of Lewis & Clark’s student representatives on the Tryon Creek Watershed Council. I’m an international student from Vietnam studying economics and mathematics with the goal of becoming an environmental consultant. When I was in Vietnam, I led Let’s Do It Binhthuan, one of the province’s largest non-profit environmental organizations, which aligned with the Let’s Do It World movement. We have completed many projects, such as hosting garbage pick-up sessions on the beach every weekend, arranging World Clean-Up Day to collect 200 kg of trash, and teaching kids about sustainability. I’m thrilled to learn more about the watershed and get more LC students to know about TCWC.

Stuart Myers, Director

Stuart is a consulting ecologist and certified ecological restoration practitioner with over 22 years of experience in natural resource assessment, regulatory compliance and  mitigation, and restoration while focusing on improving natural and built environments in the Pacific Northwest. He has a Masters Degree in Geography from Portland State University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Oregon. Stuart has lived in the Tryon Creek watershed for 20 years and is an avid outdoor recreator. He can often be found running rivers with a fishing rod in hand, seeking out powder turns on his snowboard, or experiencing the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest with his family in his free time. 

Terri Preeg Riggsby, Director
Cell: 971-404-4909

Terri Preeg Riggsby previously served as the TCWC Chair for 12 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism, a master’s degree in public administration and natural resource policy, graduate certification in watershed management, and has worked in government and non-profit organizations for close to 15 years. Terri is also the Chair and Zone 5 Director on the West Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District Board, where she advocates for effective environmental programs and projects throughout West Multnomah County. Terri lives near Multnomah Village and regularly helps out at restoration and education events. She shares her love of the Pacific Northwest rivers and woods with her husband, son, and hound dog.

Terri Preeg Riggsby

TCWC’s work is made stronger through ongoing relationships with partner organizations and agencies.

Several of our partner organizations have representatives on TCWC’s board:

  • Mary Logalbo, West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District
  • Colleen Mitchell, Bureau of Environmental Services
  • Katherine Kallus, Oregon Parks & Recreation District
  • Sonja Johnson, City of Lake Oswego

Our work with partners is rooted in our quarterly Stewardship Committee Meetings, which includes participation from the above partners as well as the Clackamas Soil & Water Conservation District, Westside Watershed Resource Center, Portland Parks & Recreation, Friends of Tryon Creek, and Oswego Lake Watershed Council.

Board “Alumni”

Jack Fiocco, Director, Lewis & Clark College Student Representative

Jack Fiocco is one of Lewis and Clark College’s student representatives to the Tryon Creek Watershed Council. He is an Environmental Studies Major and Earth System Sciences Minor at Lewis and Clark College, whose studies have allowed him to work with groups both on and off the college campus. Jack is excited to connect activities on the Lewis and Clark Campus with the work of the Tryon Creek Watershed Council.

Mateo Kaiser, Director, Lewis & Clark College Student Representative

Mateo Kaiser served as one of Lewis & Clark College’s student representatives to the Tryon Creek Watershed Council. While majoring in History and International Affairs, Mateo also loves to work on hands on projects around campus. He leads the Garden Club, Students Engaged in Eco-Defense (SEED), and a student beekeeping project. Mateo hopes to use this experience mobilizing student projects to get more Lewis & Clark students involved in the important community work that TCWC does.