Boones Ferry Project walk-through

In November, we got to walk through the Boones Ferry culvert project site with colleagues from the Bureau of Environmental Services, Friends of Tryon Creek, & Oregon State Parks, to begin planning how to engage with neighbors, community partners, and volunteers as this exciting project nears completion!
A break in the rain made for great timing to see the engineering up close and to hear the rush of this urban stream that provides high value habitat for native fish. This project opens up safe passage for wildlife (including hikers 😉), is a long time in the works, and we’re eager to spread the word and build community around this cool creek!
For now, enjoy the photos; stay tuned to hear from us all in the springtime about engagement opportunities!
First photo: Group photo, from L to R: Jennifer Devlin (BES), Christa von Behren (BES), Nicole Geeting (OPRD), Alexis Barton (TCWC), Colleen Mitchell (BES), Amy Stout (FOTC)
First & third photos: Credit to BES (Others are from Alexis, TCWC)