Highway 43 Culvert

The photos and videos below capture high flow levels at the downstream end of the Hwy 43 culvert at Tryon Creek in the Portland, Oregon area just upstream of its confluence with the Willamette River.

The removal of this fish passage barrier would provide access for native migratory fish to access habitat in the upper Tryon Creek watershed (instead of being cut off just 1/4 mile upstream), which we know is healthy enough to support a Coastal Cutthroat Trout population as healthy as a population in an undisturbed rural area (USFWS), which is remarkable given the urban influence demonstrated here. Also demonstrated in these photos is a Steelhead redd, in this confluence habitat downstream of the Hwy 43 Culvert.

Tryon Creek Watershed Council is highly interested in the removal of this fish passage barrier and works in enthusiastic coopration with the City of Portland and other partners to move this transformative project forward.

Thank you to Brook Silver, USFWS, for these photos and video.